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Trauma & Narcissism Redefined

Nov 7, 2023

It's often said that we are the sum of the five people we spend the most time with. This concept takes on profound significance when you're recovering from narcissistic abuse. In this episode, I'll take you through a look at my social circle during my struggle with my narcissistic husband's abuse. I'll reveal how certain friends hindered my healing, while others became pillars of strength, propelling me towards where I am today.

What you will learn in this episode:

  • Why your community is so important to your healing

  • How to navigate conversations about narcissism with your friends

  • Where to find a supportive community if you don’t have one

Your community isn’t just who you see in person, it’s everything you consume online. So I want to make sure that you structure your in-person and online communities in a way that will support your healing, and if you unfortunately have to remove people from your life, I’ll share how you can do that in the easiest way possible. 

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